E kore e taka te parapara ā ōna tīpuna, tukuna iho ki a ia
The qualities and talents of past generations will not fail to be fulfilled, they have been handed on to us by our ancestors.Our Story
Our journey to the South Waikato lands started in 1916. That is the date that the Crown handed over to our people 10,695 hectares of the land at Pouākani as compensation for their failure to provide lands in the Wairarapa, as part of the Wairarapa Moana Exchange.
The Pouākani lands were isolated, unproductive and predominantly covered in bush and scrub.
Some land was confiscated under the Public Works Act for the Waikato hydro-electricity scheme and formation of the Mangakino Township in the 1940s and 1950s. That whole episode in our history, is another story, and is documented in our Treaty claim.
In 1948 Sir Apirana Ngata, as Minister of Native Affairs, established a development scheme to convert the land into forestry and farming. It is here that our story as farmers of the Pouākani lands starts.
Pouākani II Trust was formed to farm the land on behalf of our people.
That left 6,500 hectares of scrub and bush to be developed and an arrangement was reached with Carter Holt Harvey Forestry Group to lease the land for 3 rotations of forestry plantings. The forestry development was managed by a separate entity known as the Mangakino Township Incorporation.
After many years of pressure, and concerns about the poor management by the Government of the farms, they were handed back in 1983.
At that time our people also decided to establish the Wairarapa Moana Trust to lead our social, educational and cultural development revival.
Fast forward another 20 years to July 2002, and with the approval of the 3000 shareholders, Pouakani II Trust and Mangakino Township Incorporation were amalgamated.
Wairarapa Moana Incorporation was formed.
Pouakani - Original List Of Shareholders
1882. DEED NO 431
- Raniera Te Iho
- Piripi Te Maari
- Raharuhi Tuhokairangi
- Tamihana Hiko
- Ramari Watarauhi
- Paiura Watarauhi
- Kirikau Pateriki
- Paraone Te Pahoro
- Paratene Nuku
- Matini Te Aore
- Pahoro Te Tio
- Hariata Amoake
- Komene Piharau
- Pare Pateriki
- Kingi Puihi
- Takana Kingi
- Ruka Kingi
- Makeri Kingi
- Eriatara Kingi
- Henare Kingi
- Manihera Maaka
- Wi Waka Rangiwhakaewa
- Keere Maaka
- Wirihita Eraihia
- Hekiera Te Raro
- Marakaia Tawaroa
- Heketa Pou
- Irihapeti Whakamaire
- Taraipine Pou
- Hamuera Korou
- Karaitiana Korou
- Hohapata Te Otawa
- Hoani Rangitakaiwaho
- Rihari Tohi
- Raima Hone
- Ihaka Kuaha
- Riria Meihana Takihi
- Iraia Te Ama
- Tutu Te Whaiti
- Manihera Ruka
- Kapakapa Ruka
- Te Kahu Taurae
- Te Ruihi Te Miha
- Hori Taha
- Eraita Te Here
- Titaha Rakera
- Aperahama Te Okaoka
- Ani Hiko
- Apikara Pouhiki
- Wi Hutana
- Roka Ihakara
- Hohaia Te Rangi
- Apiata Hakiaha
- Hohepa Aporo
- Hemi Te Miha
- Heta Hemi
- Te Ngaere Hemi
- Hemi Matiaha
- Makere Te Waiho
- Ketia Ihakara
- Rawhakairi Tamihana
- Te Kooti Ihakara.
- Makere Ruiha
- Wharetoitoi Kaka
- Heke Ihakara
- Iruapa Heke
- Pou Manihera
- Eruera Manihera
- Mangi Potae
- Eruera Rangitakaiwaho
- Apihai Eruera
- Whare Eruera
- Pou Eruera
- Kaparangi Eruera
- Enoka Hohepa
- Tare Ruka Hohepa
- Atareta Te Iho
- Te Akitu Piripi
- Nikorima Piripi
- Hinetauira Hohepa
- Rauhina Hohepa
- Waihopi Ratima
- Kaunihera Piripi
- Ratima Ropiha
- Hui Te Miha
- Ruiha Heke
- Rina Ihaka
- Eruha Piripi
- Kahu Piripi
- Arapata Piripi
- Maikara Hohepa
- Retini Tamihana
- Haterei Manihera Rangi
- Te Whatahoro
- Wi Tutere
- Ngairo Rakaihikuroa
- Ihaka Ngahiwi
- Tare Turi
- Heni Turi
- Taituha Waitere
- Huiwhakaimea Taituha
- Maraea Toatoa
- Ani Ratima
- Pirihira Hare
- Aporo Hare
- Hoani Pohotu
- Harata Mikaera
- Hohepa Whakaumu
- Maata Anaru
- Katerina Te Pare
- Hoani Paraone Tunuiarangi
- Hiria Raharuhi
- Tiri Maika Purakau
- Pane Maika
- Puhara Tikawenga
- Taiawhio Te Tau
- Pahira Anaru
- Rora Hori
- Ngatuere Te Tawhao
- Mare Hemara
- Kaara Te Marau
- Ahitana Matenga
- Katerina Kingi
- Ngahui Hemara
- Ripeka Kaiwharakihi
- Emeri Ngawhakawa or Nikora
- Rahapa Te Ihi
- Heni Marene
- Ngarongomate Te Iho
- Te Karo Ihaka
- Waho Tamihana Hera Rina
- Hera Rina
- Hamuera Mahupuku
- Wiremu Mahupuku
- Hiko Piata
- Arihia Ngawhawha
- Wi Kingi Tutepakihirangi
- Te Waaka Tahuahi
- Hema Epanaia